Volunteer Positions Available
The Socialist Party currently has the following volunteer positions open. Any SPUSA member in
good standing is eligible and encouraged to apply.
Please e-mail the National Office at natsec@socialistparty-usa.org if you have any questions about an open position.
Position Title: Editorial Board Member
Description: Editorial Board Members do not necessarily have an area of expertise, but are generalists that can help contribute, curate, and copy edit content so we have regular postings to The Socialist. Editorial Board Members are expected to:
Attend at least nine monthly meetings per year. During the monthly meetings, the Editorial Board reviews published and in-progress webzine content; discusses new content ideas; plan for the magazine (four issues per calendar year); and have an open discussion about other The Socialist-related matters
Promote The Socialist as much as possible and act as a representative of it to both Party members and the general public
Stay on top of current events and topics that can be turned into engaging content that promotes the Party's platform and principles, provides analysis from a socialist perspective and/or inspires thought and dialogue
Copyedit content
Curate content that relates to the party's platform (not just in one specific area, like an AE)
Appointed by: National Action Committee
Apply by: E-mailing the National Office
Position Title: Local Organizer
Description: The Local Organizer is the designated Socialist Party organizer for a specific at-large area. The purpose of the Local Organizer Program is to give members in at-large areas the tools and support to organize a local party. Responsibilities include communicating with members in the designated area, organizing Socialist Party meetings/events, and submitting monthly reports/updates to the National Office on organizing progress. The Local Organizer's contact information is listed alongside state and local party contact information on the national website.
Appointed by: National Action Committee
Apply by: Local Organizer application